ACT Government – Healthier Work

Technology Stack


ACT Government - Healthier Work


Healthier Work is an ACT government service established to support employers to develop health and promote healthy workplace practices. There was need for a platform to show the great diversity of services that they provide and it had to be easy to use for both the administrator and site users.

The Healthier Work website needed to be redeveloped to align with modern standards of website design. Healthier Work needed to increase awareness in the ACT about options people have for improving their workplace health and recognised that using a platform such as a website to carry their message to a large audience was the right move.

The brief

  • Build a mobile responsive website that will allow people to access important information about their workplace health and safety regardless of what device they might be using to view the website.
  • Adapt the SPF (Single Public Face) format to the WordPress Content Management System, taking the best of both worlds.
  • Integrate the website with a Calendar and Events system to promote public interest in health-related practices
  • Adapt the SPF (Single Public Face) format to the WordPress Content Management System, taking the best of both worlds.
  • Provide an easy to access set of resources to educate people in the ACT about healthy work practices


  • One of the first implementations of the ACT Government’s ‘Single Source Publishing’ website layout using the WordPress backend.
  • Mobile Responsive design to allow people with mobile devices access the website without any loss of clarity.
  • Advanced Calendar and Event management.
  • Easy access to a variety of resources that visitors can use to improve their workplace health.

The outcome

Osky Interactive has provided the ACT Government with one of the first integrations between the SPF (Single Public Face) website layout format and the WordPress CMS. This allows Healthier Work to comply with regulations regarding the online presence of the ACT Government but also leverage a flexible Content Management System to make managing website content a simple yet dynamic process.

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